Frogs, Locusts, Lovie & Olympics

First, the rain, then the wind. Next, I think are frogs and locusts. While Chicago's weather is as fickle as a private school prom queen, it really isn't so bad. A good scarf and a little grit solves the problem. Standing out of the wind helps. The wind will blow, but if I'm not in it, or I'm protected, what's my grouse?

Where it is toughest is for my Streetwise pals. They make a lot of nothing selling those, and the benevolent skip them more on hard days than me. Benevolence is that way. I know I am.

Too bad, too, that Streetwise is not a product most people are buying the same way they are buying my papers. I sell a Tribune or Sun-Times because there's something they want to read. Maybe they know what the news is, like when the Sox won the Series, or when Daley this week crushed his way into his sixth. They want to read the story. Or, they missed the news and need to know what the Dow-Jones did.

The News

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